Grow Tents are an essential part of a modern hydroponics system. They help you create a carefully controlled atmosphere to maximise the productivity of your plants. Grow Tents are a perfect solution for maximising indoor growing space. This is whilst controlling light, temperature and providing the perfect barrier from bugs or pests.
Ideal for people who grow high-value crops for personal consumption. You can grow dwarf tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms, bell peppers, herbs, arugula and so much more in a grow tent.
At Growers House we’ve spoken to our experts and asked them to look through our range of hydroponic supplies to put together a range of small Grow Tents that would work for an urban gardener looking to maximise their space in an apartment or flat. They fit perfectly in an unused corner or sit unassumingly in your sitting room, giving you the fresh produce you desire when you want it.